{ "title":{ "text": "Bars on Left Axis and Line on Right Axis", "style": "{font-size: 20px; color:#0000ff; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}" }, "y_legend":{ "text": "Open Flash Chart", "style": "{color: #736AFF; font-size: 12px;}" }, "elements":[ { "type":"tags", "font":"Verdana", "font-size":10, "colour":"#000000", "pad-x":0, "pad-y":0, "rotate":0, "align-x":"center", "align-y":"above", "text":"$#y#", "values":[ {"x":0,"y":9}, {"x":1,"y":6, "align-y":"below"}, {"x":2,"y":7}, {"x":3,"y":9}, {"x":4,"y":5}, {"x":5,"y":7, "font":"Arial", "bold":true}, {"x":6,"y":6}, {"x":7,"y":9}, {"x":1,"y":13, "colour":"#0000F0", "underline": true, "text":"Click", "on-cl--ick":"http://www.google.com" }, {"x":1,"y":12.2, "colour":"#0000F0", "underline": true, "text":"Call JS", "on-click":"trace:farts" }, /* And one using the right axis just because we can */ {"x":2,"y":78,"axis":"right", "pad-y":16, "font-size":20, "colour":"#00BB00","font":"Arial Black", "rotate":0, "text":"Click Tag to\nGoogle!!", "on-click":"http://www.google.com" } ] }, { "type": "arrow", "start": {"x":2,"y":5}, "end": {"x":4,"y":7}, "barb-length": 10, "colour": "#ff00ff" }, { "type": "bar_glass", "alpha": 0.5, "colour": "#9933CC", "text--": "Page views", "alpha": 0.6, "font-size--": 10, "values" : [9,6,7,9,5,{"top":7,"colour":"#FF0000", "tip": "Mooo
#val#"}, 6,9,{"top":7, "tip":"click to google
#val#", "on-click":"http://www.google.com"}] }, { "type": "line_hollow", "colour": "#736AFF", "text": "Avg. wave height (cm)", "font-size": 10, "axis": "right", "width": 2, "dot-size": 4, "halo-size": 0, "values" : [ 60,64, {"value":78, "colour":"#FF0000", "tip":"Override
#val#", "dot-size":12, "halo-size": 3 }, 58,50,41,41,36, 32 ] }, // Moved this tag to be last in "elements" so it shows up // on top of the bars instead of under it { "type":"tags", "font":"Verdana", "font-size":10, "colour":"#000000", "pad-x":0, "pad-y":0, "rotate":0, "align-x":"center", "align-y":"above", "text":"$#y#", "values":[ {"x":8,"y":0.5, "rotate":270, "font-size":12, "text":"click bar to\ngo to google" }, {"x":6,"y":80, "rotate":45, "font-size":14, "text":"45 degrees\n(not aligned yet)", "axis":"right", "background":"#AA99", "border":true } ] } ], "tooltip":{ "mouse": 0 }, "x_axis":{ "stroke": 1, "tick_height": 10, "colour": "#d000d0", "grid_colour": "#00ff00", "labels": { "labels": [ "January\n2008","February\n2008","March\n2008","April\n2008", "May\n2008","June\n2008","July\n2008","August\n2008","September\n2008"] } }, "y_axis":{ "stroke": 4, "tick_length": 3, "colour": "#d000d0", "grid_colour": "#00ff00", "offset": 0, "max": 20, "steps": 4 }, "y_axis_right":{ "stroke": 4, "tick_length": 3, "colour": "#d000d0", "grid_colour": "#00ff00", "grid_visible": true, "offset": 0, "steps": 20, "max": 100, "min": 0 }, "tooltip":{ "text": "My Tip
val=#val#, top=#top#" } }